Animation and movement ideas for your website
Movement on a website can help attract the attention of the viewer. Used creatively, it can enhance the user experience. Arttia Creative are experienced as creating and effectively placing animation in your website design.
To the left, the icon moves and scales on scrolling.
Scroll down for some more examples.
Magnetic items can be created that snap to the mouse when it hovers over them.

Slide In Animation
Images and text can slide in from the left or right. Speed and distance is customisable.
This animation can be set to occur once on scroll or to repeat or reverse on reverse scroll as shown here.
Perspective and tumbling effect
We can create an image that flips or tumbles into view. You will also notice that the image starts as black and white and colours as it flips.
All great effects to capture the eye!

Staggered Images

Before and After Photo Effects
This can be used to create some cool photo reveal effects. You can change the colour of the image or even use a different image to have a 'before and after' reveal.