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March 19 2015

How to Build an eCommerce Website that Drives Sales and Boosts Profits

In the rapidly evolving life sciences sector, e-commerce presents unique challenges beyond the typical hurdles of online retail. The complexity of products, regulatory requirements, and the critical need for accurate, detailed product information create a landscape where more than simply having an online presence is required.
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February 22 2014

6 Ideas to Help Promote Your New eBook

It's been a labour of love and you are proud about your new ebook.Great. But how are you going to let people know it's there amongst the many other thousands of ebooks. It seems like everyone is writing their own books these days, so how do you get yours noticed above all of the others?
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website design Newcastle

January 1 2014

Get Your Website Fit – New Web Design

Time for a website review? Time to 'perfect' your online presence? The online world is constantly changing, so your website needs to be fit, healthy and up-to-date so you can compete and win online. Here are my tips to get your website working hard.
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May 18 2013

5 Tips When Planning Your Website Content

You know your website could be working harder to drive business enquiries. But where to start with crafting the content you need? It can seem like a daunting task, not just the technical aspect, but what to put in it, where to start.
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March 6 2013

What to Look For When Hiring a Web Design Company

Choosing a web design company can seem a bit daunting. You know your website is a critical piece of your marketing jigsaw. Having provided creative design for business for over 30 years and web design for business for over 15 years, here are a few of my tips on what you should look for.
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website photo shoot

January 15 2012

How to Get The Best Photography For Your Website

Your website is critical to your business. Make sure it exudes your personality throughout, not just in the words, but with your photography. Having worked on web design for over 15 years I know how critical it is for your web designer to work extremely closely with your photographer at the start of your website project.
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