Design Impact for High Growth Life Sciences
Good design is proven to improve ROI. The Design Council states that design enables science and technology research to achieve greater impact. At Arttia Creative we believe this includes your online presence. A highly designed website experience will provide your life science business with more significant impact.
The importance of design impact for high growth life sciences cannot be overlooked when it comes to your website and online experience. From life science brand design through to how each page of your life science website design bold ideas and clear concepts help shift customer expectations, set you apart and keep you relevant.
A poorly designed website or frustrating user experience means your visitors will go elsewhere, in a matter of seconds you will have lost them.
You might have the best sales team, the best business development manager and the best conference experience, but if you can't back that up with a credible online presence then you are losing customers. Everyone will take a look at your life science business online. Everyone. First impressions count.
Designing around scientific concepts, complex products or services can be challenging. You need someone who can quickly understand your business, your audience and create a website design that enhances your offering, creates clarity and engages customers.
Outstanding website design will
Life Science Visual Design
When you are at the stage to grow your life science business design can have an important impact on that growth. Visual communication online is designed to inform, identify and promote through the intelligent juxtaposition of words, images and spaces. Visual design operates exclusively in the context in which it is viewed. Website design is the balance of your expectations, our client and those of your website visitors. A User-centred life science website design will convert more of your visitors into customers.
Websites are complicated pieces of technology, sometimes with functionality or features that have been technically challenging to produce. That doesn't mean the visual design of these needs to reflect that complexity. In fact, design can make these complex functionality or features seem simple and easy to use.
Making something complex seem simple is not easy to do.
Minimal design is an enduring discipline that takes skill and expertise to deliver. Working with highly experienced website designers will make a significant impact on how your life science business is presented.
38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content/layout is unattractive.
Life Science Information Design
In this instance, I am referring to organising your information on the screen. In the age of mobile, you need to consider different screen sizes and how your information is designed and presented in each screen size. What will the visitor to your website need to see first on a small screen, this can be different from what they would need to see on a larger desktop screen size.
The influence of graphic design on information design is critical, graphic design is the process of creative communications. Creating a life science website design that is both easy to use and has complex content can be produced with the consideration of information design.
A clear structure of content on a website page makes a massive impact on a customers visit. When information is designed creatively and clearly visitors will find what they need quickly and efficiently. Adding to positive user experience and convert visitors into customers.
48% of people cited a website’s design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business.
Life Science User Experience
Similar to information design, User Experience design aims to take into account how the visitors feel and thinks when they visit your life science website. Empathy can play a big part in creating a better user experience. User Experience takes time and will need regular fine-tuning to keep visitors happy and following the actions you want them to take.
Considering User Experience in your designs will give you a competitive edge. Websites for highly technical, scientific, medical and technology companies need to present their information quickly and clearly online. You don't always have the opportunity to speak in person to your prospects, the time to demonstrate or describe your product or service and answer questions in person.
You can only attend so many conferences and events in one year. Your website, as your silent salesperson, needs to communicate your offering as clearly as possible and help your visitors solve their problem and take the action you need them to.
Life Science Website Colour in Design
Colour is subjective and can be very emotional. Colour can have cultural associations or personal meanings. Both positive and negative. Colour can provide a significant impact on your life science website design. Careful colour consideration can enhance your brand, ensure consistency and distinction online.
For a healthcare website design, a softer or more empathetic approach to colour can provide a better experience for patients or carers.
For health tech, wearables or medical technology you may want to go for a more dynamic colour pallet. Consideration and customer feedback can be an excellent guide to getting your colour balance working for conversions.
Keep in mind screen colour configurations, lighting and contrast. Colour can potentially be different on everyone's device or computer. The colour you think you see can be very different on someone else's screen. So don't be too precious about the finer points of colour. Unlike print design, screen colours can and will be different.
Colour and accessibility.
W3C accessibility indicates the importance of colour with good contrast; also W3C recommends considering those with colour blindness who cannot easily distinguish specific colours.
A useful tool for colour checking web safe colours is - ColorSafe
Life Science Website Typography
Typography, fonts, words are an essential design element on your website.
Similar to colour, typefaces can communicate emotions as well as ideas and information.
The choice of typography for your website helps to communicate your brand and tone-of-voice. Make sure your typeface is clear and easy to read, use approved web fonts as these are specifically designed for reading on screen.
Font sizes may need to be different on desktop and mobile with the introduction of larger or heavier (bolder) fonts for smaller screen legibility.
Type hierarchy helps with structuring your content and providing the visitor with a clear structure and emphases. Precise spacing, leading and kerning all help the visitor to read and understand your messages much faster.
Typically users prefer short paragraphs. Keep line lengths shorter as they are more comfortable to read (the distance between the left and right-hand edges of a block of text. Around 45-90 characters is an excellent guide (not a strict rule).
Life Science Website Space
Breath. Just breath.
White space (or negative space) describes areas that are left blank or clear of any content. White space doesn't have to be white; it just refers to an area of 'empty' space.
The temptation by clients to fill every available space can be challenging. If your website content is filing out every available area, it can be difficult for visitors to focus on what they need to.
Including the rule of thirds formula to create strategic places of interest on your page can improve click-throughs and engagement. The clever use of negative space in your life science web design can significantly increase conversions.
Well used negative space in design improves User Experience and the visualisations of your data. Providing clear space for key calls-to-action helps your visitors to think less and take action.
Web design research found that crowded web design is the most common mistake small businesses make when designing a website, confusing visitors and making them hit the back button.
Life Science Website Content Story
We often refer to our website design concepts as telling a story. As a visitor journeys down your page, it should show a clear story to the visitor. The page doesn't have to be long; it just needs to tell a clear and informative story to your visitors. Creating a well-designed narrative with your content is an excellent way of communicating to multiple audiences. This type of narrative can guide returning visitors and inform new visitors.
Well written life science SEO copywriting will blend effectively with your brand and website design. Copywriting and design are not separate entities. They need to work in harmony to present the most well-designed experience for your visitors.
You have 10 seconds to leave an impression and tell them what they’ll get out of your website and company. After this time (and oftentimes before), they’ll leave.
The Takeaway.
Excellent website design can have a significant impact on your high-growth life science business. Not including or considering good design will cost you in the longer term. If you need high-growth then maximising your online presence with a leading life science website will provide the required boost.
Belinda White | Creative Director