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Healthcare Websites – The Power of Designing For Personalisation

Healthcare websites can harness the power of personalisation.
Personalisation is the process of creating customised experiences for visitors to your healthcare website. Rather than providing a broad experience, website personalisation helps you to present your visitors with unique experiences tailored to their needs.

Creating an individual experience for your healthcare website is a powerful way of connecting with your customers. With sophisticated website design, you can create a personalised experience for your visitors. Improving conversions and building your brand. An overall broad or generic experience doesn't always provide your customers with what they need.

In the past, adding personalisation to a website project has been costly and challenging.  This is changing, creating a level of personalisation during a visitors experience is now possible and cost-effective with the development of new on-page techniques and User Journey refinements.

A personalised website user experience requires careful consideration. It isn't always appropriate for every situation. However, we know it can be particularly successful for Healthcare and Life Science product providers.

Healthcare Website Design and User Experience

Why a personalised Healthcare website experience is so successful

Websites in the Healthcare, Life Science and Biotech sectors have multiple customers and audiences. You need to reach, communicate and inform each visitor as clearly as possible.  Your website visitors can range from direct public communications right across to practice managers and academics.

With a mix of visitors looking for different types of information about your products, it can become a confusing experience, leaving them with no choice but to leave and look elsewhere.

A patient visiting your website can need a softer or more sensitive set of information, a softer tone and a different set of information compared to an academic or a Clinical Commissioning Group.

Personalised content will help you to 'connect' with these individuals. With modern website personalisation techniques, automation can play an important part.

Tracking the activities of your visitors, where they have come from and how they move around your website can further help you to refine their journey. This ongoing iteration will result in successful and business driving experiences.

Take time to plan before you start design and development

Take the time to plan. When you take the time to plan a personalised experience and a logical User Journey on your website project you will have a much more successful and lead-generating online experience for your customers.

It is best-practice to plan and map out your visitor's experience before you begin to re-develop your website. Planning each of your visitor types before you start will help in the design and development stage of your project. Trying to retrofit a personalised user journey after your healthcare website is completed is like adding SEO after the build – a missed opportunity and not a cost-effective process.

We provide website workshops and discovery sessions to help you to create your personalised website user experience. Contact us and we can help you to design your Healthcare or Life Science website personalisation.


Contact us to discuss how we can help you to create a personalised experience for your healthcare customers and website visitors. Helping you to convert more visitors, build your brand and share your story.

Improving your visitor's experience

Your visitors can be different stages of their understanding of your brand and product. You need to be providing the relevant information and experience to each visitor at their particular stage in their journey. For example;  a clinician looking to find out more about a product they have seen at a conference is going to need different information and a different experience than a patient looking for a particular treatment.

User Journey Stages

  • Research
  • Discovery
  • Solution
  • Purchase
Healthcare Website Design User Journey
Healthcare Websites – The Power of Designing For Personalisation

Guiding visitors to the right information or product

Visitors arrive on your website from a variety of destinations.  This can be direct or indirect. When they arrive on your website it may not always be on your homepage. Visitors could be arriving on your website from the following locations:

  • From a conference brochure
  • From a sales person's demonstration
  • From a product sample
  • From an email marketing campaign
  • From a print advertising campaign
  • From Google search
  • From a social media campaign

Each of these marketing channels is focused on different types of customers. That being the case, each will need a personalised experience when they land on your website. If they land on a generic page it can lead to confusion and unclear communications. Tailoring and personalising their experience when they arrive at your website will provide better results and guide them quickly to the information they need.

Types of Healthcare website personalisation

Planning your website visitors journey and experience is a critical part of every Healthcare website design and development project we create. Taking into consideration the content that each type of visitor needs and how quickly they need to access information helps to create the structure of your website content and navigation.

User needs and how they prefer to consume the information helps to define the types of content we need to create, whether it's a written report, an infographic, a video walk-through or a product sample, each visitor is likely to have their preferred experience.

  • Personalised landing pages
  • Personalised content areas
  • Personalisation with Geography
  • Personalisation via a login
  • Related content personalisation
  • Personalised forms or questionnaires
Healthcare Website Design and User Experience

How we can help you deliver a personalised website experience to your Healthcare customers

We can incorporate a range of personalised experiences on your Healthcare website. Your User Experience design can be tailored to your business and your customer's specific needs. We work closely with you to define the best experience for your customers and then help you track and monitor for continued improvements.

We can create areas of private content, individual user roles and experiences, conditional logic based content delivery and clusters of content designed for each user.  During your website design and development project we can fine-tune your visitor's experience to provide the best results for your business and your visitors. Creating unique content and assets as required.

World Leading Website Consultancy to Healthcare, Biotech and Life Science Businesses

Being specialists in your sector enables us to rapidly understand your unique needs enabling us to deliver powerful results quickly. Saving you time, stress and money and delivering the best ROI.

The Takeaway.

Better and consistent personalisation with user journeys mapped across your website from the very start will create an experience that visitors will enjoy.

If your visitor feels that your website has been created just for them and that this demonstrates to them that your business understands their individual needs will help to convert them into a loyal customer.

Contact us to talk about creating a personalised website experience for your Healthcare customers.

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